Langholm looking for new faces

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Langholm Town Band.

THE Langholm Town Band is on the lookout for new members in the New Year.

Competing at the top end of the third section under Musical Director Chris Shanks, the band is looking for a bass trombone and percussionist to get involved.

Rehearsals take place on Friday evenings, with extra practices and workshops in the build-up to concerts and competitions. The first rehearsal of 2016 is to take place on Friday, January 8.

A spokeswoman for Langholm Town Band said: "We have been enjoying a very successful time with our talented conductor, Chris Shanks, and would love to complete our line-up when we start back in 2016.

"We are very friendly and have a healthy list of enagements planned including Durham Miners' Gala, so it would be great to hear from anyone who is interested."

Those keen to get involved should contact Christine Calvert by emailing or calling 07771 818587.

Got a story?

Email Nigel Martin: