Irvine and Dreghorn celebration reminder

Sunday 21 August 2016

Preparations for Irvine and Dreghorn Band's 40th birthday celebrations are in the final stages.


SUPPORTERS have been reminded to buy their tickets ahead of Irvine and Dreghorn Band's 40th birthday celebrations.

The band, which has become an integral part of life in North Ayrshire, is holding a concert on Friday, August 26 in Irvine's Magnum Theatre - a venue where it performed one of its first public concerts.

The concert will showcase the senior band in an extended performance which will be recorded live for an anniversary CD. Advanced purchase of the CD will be available at the event. It will also feature plenty of stories, anecdotes and other surprises relating to the last 40 years.

Limited tickets are available on the door, or anyone interested can contact, Kelda (07875426329) or Dawn (07733142197) to arrange ticket purchase.

Got a story?

Email Nigel Martin: