Presentation to two Langholm stalwarts
Monday 15 January 2018Langholm Town Band recognised the lifetimes service of two band stalwarts on Saturday evening in the Social Club, with a surprise get together of friends and family.
Ian Hotson and David Calvert have played with the band for in excess of 65 years, a truly remarkable achievement.
Ian who like his father before him played the bass drum, semi-retired last year leaving the majority of the marching engagements, although he can still be seen keeping his hand in on a number of other occasions over the year.
David continues to play although not on the march and will in March play with the band at the Scottish Championships in Perth Concert Hall.
Tom Allan and Peter Fraser of The Scottish Brass Band Association travelled South to present certificates and ties to recognise the significant achievements and long service to banding. It is unlikely that there will be many other recipients of awards like this anywhere in Scotland or indeed the banding world, for all of the service to be completed with a single band is even more unusual.
The band presented Ian and David with canvas collages of their time in the band over the years before enjoying a buffet provided by the band members and good natter.