Borders Brass Band Association Workshop open to all
Friday 8 February 2019SBBBA Brass and Percussion Workshop – Sunday 24 March 2019
You are invited to take part in a brass and percussion workshop on Sunday 24 March 2019. This event is being organised by the Scottish Borders Brass Band Association and on this occasion, will again be held in The Langlee Complex, Marigold Drive, Galashiels TD1 2LP
As with previous similar events, pupils will be organised into groups according to their experience and will receive coaching from professional brass instructors. Players of all abilities are strongly urged to apply to benefit from the experience of these top-class tutors. All percussion pupils should register for the A band and will be distributed where required.
Please note that this event is aimed at players with an ability to play in an ensemble, it is not suitable for very young children or beginners who have only recently started to play. If you are in any doubt please discuss with your tutor/band conductor before registering. If you are unable to take part in this workshop, we look forward to welcoming you to future ones.
At this workshop, the tutors will be:
A Band Alan Fernie
B Band Caroline Farren
C Band Caitlin Riley
The cost of the workshop is as follows:
Full day: A and B Bands £10 per pupil
Half day: C band £5 per pupil
Start times are as follows:
A & B Bands 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Start 10:00 am, registration 9.30 onwards
C Band 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Start 1.00pm, registration 12:30 onwards
Pupils should provide their own transport to and from the event. Langlex Complex is fully accessible but please let us know if there are any particular medical or other issues which you consider we should be aware of.
Pupils should try to either wear or bring with them a white top for their participation in the concert at the end of the day. Pupils are requested to bring a packed lunch. Please note that primary aged children will not be allowed to leave the venue at lunchtime and it would be preferred if those in secondary would also remain at the venue, this is to ensure a prompt start to the afternoon session.
A joint concert with all bands will be held at 4:00 pm to which all parents/guardians/friends are invited. A silver collection will be taken at the concert.
If you would like to attend this event please return the attached form with payment to
Hannah French, SBBBA Workshop Coordinator, 2 Craigend Farm Cottages, Stow, Galashiels, TD1 2RW
To assist with planning, if possible please return forms by Friday 15 March (but no later than Friday 22 March)
Cheques should be made payable to the Scottish Borders Brass Band Association
Best Wishes
Hannah French