Instructions and course information for NYBBS 2019

Wednesday 3 July 2019


June 2019

Dear players, families and supporters,

I trust this finds you well and looking forward to the summer holidays and the NYBBS summer course 2019. We have certainly been busy preparing and finalising our programme of events for the course which takes place in Strathallan School, Forgandenny, Perth PH2 9EG from Sunday 21st July-Saturday 27th July 2019.

To assist with any queries you may have at this stage please find enclosed a list of key personnel and contact details below:

Course Information/student enquiries- Carrie Boax (

Course CPO/student bank - Tom Allan (

Finance(fees/concert tickets)–Julie Nicoll (

Consent forms/Health queries-Elaine Roxburgh (

The team will be happy to assist you and answer any queries you may have.

Check in

Students in our Children, Reserve, and Senior Bands should arrive mid morning and all of our pastoral staff will be on hand to assist. Please therefore note the following times and arrange to arrive on Sunday 21st July at the time stated below:

11am- All players to arrive at designated Boarding Houses (Ruthven, Simpson, Freeland and Thornbank) check in and allocate accommodation.

12 noon- Students meet in Chapel for welcome meeting.

1pm- Lunch in dining room.

2-4pm- Seating Auditions

5.30pm- Evening meal

6.30pm- First rehearsal of full band


In the course of the week we will also be visited by over 20 of the finest, most experienced musicians all who share a love of music and are involved in the brass band scene both here and abroad. For those of you new to the course, each day will consist of working in small sections with your designated tutor for the week and full band rehearsals. Please ensure you come full of energy and prepared to play as your working day will begin at 9am and will end in the evening- don’t worry, lots of breaks and social activities will ensure you enjoy your time whilst working hard! (A draft daily timetable will be emailed in the with the final newsletter.)

Our program of activities include swimming, rounders, treasure hunts, movie nights, football, ‘NYBBS got talent!’(come prepared to take part!) and weather permitting some al fresco dining! For some of the events you will need to provide your own equipment/props (talent show items, etc.) swimming caps (these can also be reserved from Tom Allan for a small fee in advance) and you will also need your own music stand and a piece of suitable music to play for your seating audition (i.e. where you will sit in the band.) Whilst percussion will be provided, the players themselves must bring sticks and mallets. It is advisable that all personal belongings are clearly labeled for safe return, as we cannot be responsible for any personal property lost on campus.


We are very lucky at Strathallan this year to be able to use four boarding houses for the duration of our stay. However as we have a waiting list for places on the course, every bed has been allocated and we aim to ensure that all students in the Children’s Band will be accommodated separately and there will be 1 adult member of our pastoral team for every 8 children. Each House has single rooms for students, will separate toileting and shower facilities. All of the houses have several common rooms with games, TV’s and with some even hosting pool and table tennis facilities. The dining area is in a separate building and all students will come together at breakfast, lunch and evening meal times. We will run our own bank and organise supper in the houses for the students- please bring your own mug if a hot drink is preferred at this time and should you wish tuck money to be looked after by ourselves please contact Tom Allan in advance to arrange this. A full copy of the course rules and expectations will be issued to each student upon arrival at the course on the first day- please do not hesitate to contact myself if you have any queries regarding this.

Publicity and consent

Group and individual photographs will be taken on Monday afternoon during free time. Should you wish any specific shots, (i.e. family or home band photos) please let myself know before Friday. Any outstanding consent forms, if not already sent, should now be sent to Elaine Roxburgh. We will also be utilising social media before the event and during the week to promote the course and events taking place- should you have anything you wish shared on our Facebook, twitter or website or indeed have any ideas regarding our publicity; please do not hesitate to get in touch with myself in the first instance. Photographs taken will be on sale at the end of course concerts- should you wish to reserve any in advance please contact Tom Allan for further information.

Course Fees

Please note that no payment can be accepted on the day. As the deadline for all payments has now past, please contact Julie Nicoll regarding any payment query you may have. NYBBS ties (required to be worn at the concert) and other merchandise will be available to purchase at registration however should you wish to purchase a NYBBS t shirt, hoodie or zoodie, please get in touch with Sara Buchan of Sovereign Embroidery, who can be contacted at for further information.

This year we will be hosting two end of course concerts in celebration of the achievements and hard work of our students during the course week. Our Children’s Band concert will take place in Strathallan School Chapel on Saturday 27th July at 1.30pm with a further concert hosted by our Reserve and Senior Band later that day in Albert Hall, Stirling at 6pm. Please note this year, no tickets will need to be purchased for our Children’s Band concert however tickets for the concert held in the Albert Hall can be purchased on line at should you have an difficulties with this, please contact our SBBA Treasurer Julie Nicoll at Limited tickets will be available on the day and please also note members of NYBBS 2019 are entitled to free entry to the concerts.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with any queries you may have at this stage. I will be in contact again next week with a finalised timetable and any further information you may require. In the meantime, keep banding and enjoying making music!

Carrie Boax

SBBA President/NYBBS Course Director


Mobile: 07769260912



Got a story?

Email Nigel Martin: