Message from SBBA re ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic
Tuesday 17 March 2020You will be aware that over the weekend the Scottish Brass Band Association published guidance in relation to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic.
Further to that guidance, we would like to update our members in light of the new guidance published both by the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.
The Scottish Brass Band Association is not in a position to make decisions on behalf of individual bands within our membership however we have a responsibility to advise our members in the way that we feel is in their best interests as a whole.
All of our bands have a presence of some form in our local communities and that places an element of responsibility on us all to act in a responsible manner and set a good example to other groups and societies.
The guidance published by the Scottish Government and the UK Government this afternoon states the following:
everyone in the UK is now being advised to avoid "non-essential" contact with others and "unnecessary" travel
people are also being asked to work from home "where they possibly can", and avoid pubs, clubs, theatres and social venues
people are now being advised to stay at home for 14 days if they, or anyone in their household, has either a high temperature or a "new and continuous cough"
people in at-risk groups will be asked within days to be "largely shielded from social contact" for 12 weeks
To that end, the Scottish Brass Band Association Recommends that all Band Hall Rehearsals and other Band Events should cease and / or be cancelled until such times as the recommendations published today by the Government are relaxed.
While we recognise that this represents a significant challenge for all bands we must take all recommended precautions to help mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 virus.
It is with no small amount of regret that we publish this guidance today and we sincerely hope that all bands within our membership heed the advice published by the Government and are supportive of all within our community during what looks likely to be a challenging 12 weeks at least.
On behalf of all within the SBBA Committee, thank you and take care!