Executive meeting is concerned with effect of lockdown

Tuesday 28 April 2020

SBAA’s executive committee held its first meeting since the Coronavirus took hold in the UK. This time, though, all visual and vocal communication was via Zoom.

The three-hour online get-together considered an agenda which covered finance, communications, education, membership & registration, events and association updates.

But the dominant topic was the effect COVID-19 was having on planned and future activities. It was agreed that nothing could be decided about holding any further events until it was known what UK and Scottish governments’ advice on social distancing would be forthcoming in the next couple of weeks.

At the time of the meeting, the summer NYBBS course and the Scottish Festival of Brass activities were still in the calendar, but time would tell on whether they would be taking place. For the NYBBS event, contingency plans were being considered should it have to be cancelled or postponed.

In the meantime, the SBBA officers and executive members were continuing to work behind the scenes to ensure that, if and when the lockdown is lifted, preparations will be ready to proceed with specific events, particularly those associated with the 125th anniversary celebrations, NYBBS and the Scottish Festival of Brass.

“I was delighted to see all of our committed executive members and key personnel virtually,” said SBBA president Carrie Boax. “It shows how keen everyone is to protect and promote the amazing work of the brass band movement here in Scotland.

“Please remember to stay connected with SBBA and your member bands at this challenging time!”


Got a story?

Email Nigel Martin: sbbapr@gmail.com