NYBBS online concert is a triumph over the adversity of COVID-19 lockdown

Sunday 9 August 2020

Yesterday’s online concert by Scotland’s young brass musicians was a stirring triumph of the enthusiasm and determination of youth over the adversity of the Coronavirus lockdown.

The 2020 NYBBS Virtual Performance – which replaced the traditional ‘grand finale’ to a week-long summer residential brass course at the Strathallan School in Perthshire which had to be cancelled due to COVID-19 – was broadcast on the SBBA YouTube channel at 3pm on Saturday 8 August.

The programme opened up with conductor and composer Alan Fernie introducing the Children’s band playing The Girl Who Sat on the Hill, a traditional Norwegian tune arranged by Fredrick Schjelderup, and Jim the Juiceman, written and performed by Andrea Crumlish and Katie Livingston (cover photo) in honour of the man who brought juice to the band while at Strathallan.

The Reserve band, introduced and conducted by SBBA education officer John Boax, showed off their skills with Starburst by Dan Price and The Spirit Within by Ben Hollings.

John Boax conducts the Reserve band programme.

For the Senior band’s segment of the programme, SBBA had commissioned Alan Fernie to write their opener, a ‘short and snappy’ piece called Ceòl (Gaelic for music).

Conductor Ian Porthouse also put the band through their paces with W. Hogarth Lear’s Pell Mell and Hine e Hine, the Maori lullaby arranged by Peter Graham.

The Senior band performing their segment under the baton of Ian Porthouse.

For a rousing conclusion to the 47-minute show, the three bands joined forces for a rendition of the popular march Slaidburn by William Rimmer, exuberantly conducted by that doyen of musical directors, Richard Evans.

The individual music parts for all three bands were recorded in isolation by the youngsters in their own homes and superbly merged, together with conversational snippets, into a single show by professional TV and film editor Clyde Wallbanks.

Course organisers from SBBA had collaborated with tutors and conductors to engage the students in the preparation of the online concert for several weeks beforehand. To replace the traditional face-to-face tuition, a series of videos was prepared by the NYBBS conducting team for the SBBA YouTube channel, offering their encouragement, advice and musical expertise.

The combined Children's, Reserve and Senior bands bring the concert to a rousing finish, conducted by Richard Evans.

You can enjoy the full NYBBS concert at https://youtu.be/lke3GCBJyP4

For SBBA president Carrie Boax and the whole team of organisers, coordinators, tutors and conductors, the event was a moment of extreme pride.

Carrie commented: “As coordinator and as a NYBBS parent, I cannot begin to stress how appreciative families and players are for the amount of work that has gone on behind the scenes into the preparation and execution of this achievement. The actual length of the concert itself does not do it justice really.

“Everyone involved has been absolutely amazing, so positive and determined to get all of the NYBBS players connected and motivated into making music.”

But she added: “However, I am very sad at not being able to hear the young people perform live or catch up with families, those who attend our concerts and get the opportunity in person to say thank you to you all.  

“On the other hand, I am also very emotional and proud to see how far we have come since the planning stages in April. My one hope is that the concert is appreciated in the way that it is meant – an opportunity to connect our youngsters and their families to ensure they remain motivated to continue on their musical journey.

“I hope also that this can be the perfect tonic for some of our senior bands, a reminder of all that is great about brass banding, to allow them to see that there is hope of a future for our wonderful community and if we are patient, it will return.

“Finally, I would like to add a word of thanks to Creative Scotland and the Youth Music Initiative for their funding and ongoing support, without which this whole event would not have been possible.”

• Make a note in your diaries for next year. The NYBBS summer course is planned to take place on 1-7 August 2021.

#YMIScotland             #sbbaeducates


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Email Nigel Martin: sbbapr@gmail.com