Unison puts on a winning show in WoS entertainment contest
Tuesday 1 September 2020The West of Scotland virtual entertainment contest on Sunday (30 August) attracted a worldwide audience of over 5000 viewers. And after counting the votes in an online poll, it emerged that Kinneil’s performance was clearly the people’s favourite.
A total of six bands took part in the competition, intent on keeping the spirit of the 2019 version of the event alive. As well as Kinneil, participating bands were Coalburn Silver, Irvine & Dreghorn, Johnstone, Kingdom Brass and Newmilns & Galston, each playing their own choice of a march and a film/TV theme.
The contest, available on the SBBA YouTube channel, opened and closed with performances of Singing in the Rain (cover photo) and All that Jazz by 15 members of a specially-formed WoS virtual band.
Kinneil’s winning programme comprised the William Rimmer march Cossack followed by Hawaii 5-0 which featured cornetist/conductor Alan Ramsay (pictured) playing a cornet riff while sitting in the back of his Ford Mustang in Florida!
Organiser Lesley Crumlish was delighted with the success of the event. “Achieving an audience of over 830 views on YouTube and 4,400 on Facebook was really pleasing. It was certainly far more people than we could ever have achieved with an actual live event in the Walker Hall in Troon!
“We had viewers from all over the world telling us who their favourite bands were and how much they had enjoyed the whole show.”
Kinneil were clear winners of the contest with a 31 per cent share of the people’s vote. Runners-up were Kingdom Brass and in third place were Irvine & Dreghorn.
“But the overall winner was the contest itself and the fact that we had bands who were willing to put in an enormous amount of effort in making the event such a great success,” Lesley added. “My thanks to everyone who participated and who helped to keep the spirit of the contest alive until next year.”
For any latecomers, you can still see the show on the SBBA YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ByXxVLiOQ8