Learning Roadshow content and running order finalised
Friday 11 September 2020The content and running order for the SBBA Virtual Learning Roadshow has been finalised for Sunday 20 September:
1. Beginners Guide to Making a Virtual Band
2. Tabby Kerwin: Mental Health in Brass Bands
3. Les Neish: A Masterclass on Performance Techniques
4. Jack Nissan: ZOOM - A Guide to Using Zoom for Online Teaching
5. Helen Minshall: Youth Band Development from Scratch
Pre-recorded video which will be available on the SBBA YouTube channel on 20 September at 4pm.
SBBA had originally planned two Learning Roadshows – for the east and west of Scotland – during June and September with the intention of reaching out to brass band musicians with useful workshop and information sessions as a means of celebrating the organisation’s 125th anniversary year.
Now, because of COVID-19, the two events are being combined into this single, online experience.