Learning Roadshow – a virtual experience revisited
Monday 5 October 2020SBBA’s Learning Roadshow was originally planned as two live workshops – for the east and west of Scotland during June and September – with the intention of reaching out to brass band musicians with useful advice and information sessions. It was just one of a calendar of events during 2020 to celebrate the organisation’s 125th anniversary year.
However, because of COVID-19, the two roadshows were combined into a single, online experience which, if you missed the original broadcast a couple of weeks ago, is now available to view on the SBBA YouTube channel.
Feedback to education officer John Boax, who coordinated the content and presentation of the Learning Roadshow, from several people after the event was that the sessions proved to be useful sources of learning and covered an excellent choice of themes.
You can find these topics by clicking on the following links:
James McGoldrick: Beginners Guide to Making a Virtual Band
Les Neish: A Masterclass on Performance Techniques
Tabby Kerwin: Mental Health in Brass Bands
Helen Minshall: Youth Band Development from Scratch