Learning Festival sessions and AGM booking reminder

Friday 22 January 2021

Just a quick reminder of the Eventbrite links through which you can book your sessions for the Learning Festival which will follow the AGM on Sunday 31 January:

Session 1 / 11am-12noon

Ryan Bradley presents Virtual Band Performance for the absolute beginner


Session 2 / 12noon-1pm

Ryan Bradley presents Virtual Band Performance for the more advanced


Session 3 / 1-2pm

Brett Baker presents ‘Motivational Practices and Routines During Lockdown’


Session 4 / 2.15-3.15pm

‘Developing and Supporting Positive Health and Well-Being in Scottish Brass Bands’


Session 5 / 3.30-4.30pm

‘Celtic Connections’


Starting at 10am (with entry to the meeting from 9.45am), the AGM will be limited to four delegates per band, although just two will have voting rights. Please send details of your representatives (names and email addresses) to secretary Tom Allan sbbasecretary@gmail.com using this form.

Entry to the AGM will be via Eventbrite and you can register at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/131513896605

The President's and Treasurer's reports will be sent out in advance along with the previous minutes and the agenda for the 2021 AGM.

There will be a Q and A at the end of the AGM and bands are asked to submit their questions to Tom Allan by tomorrow (23 January).

Nominations are requested for the position of President and Treasurer and these, along with a proposer and seconder, should also be sent to Tom by tomorrow. Likewise for nominations for the Executive Committee.



Got a story?

Email Nigel Martin: sbbapr@gmail.com