Dalmellington slow melody contest will be an online affair

Wednesday 14 April 2021

Plans for Dalmellington Band’s annual slow melody contest are progressing well. The event will take place online on Saturday 19 June in memory of Cecil Oughton after whom the competition is named.

Cecil was a cornet player, the son of Dalmellington conductor William Oughton, who was killed in action during the Second World War at just 21.

His premature death was devastating to everyone and the Oughton family wanted his name to live on in the village. Hence there are now two awards: a music trophy at the Doon Academy and the annual Cecil Oughton Memorial Slow Melody contest prize which has been competed for by members of Dalmellington Band since 1946. 

Cecil Oughton's framed photograph takes pride of place in Dalmellington's band hall.

The memory of Cecil Oughton remains remain fresh in the village as an example of a headstrong but exceptionally talented musician, whose skills were honed locally. He was a proud musician who made the ultimate sacrifice for his country. 

While this will be the 76th annual contest, it’s also first for Dalmellington Band as members enter the world of virtual performance. The event will not only highlight the phenomenal talent of the band but will also look at its deep rooted history in the village and will include personal interviews from the banding community. 

Keep an eye on the band social media and website for more news on this over the coming weeks.

The band hosted its AGM on 6 April as an online gathering. The well-attended meeting confirmed the appointments of Les Henderson as band president and David Young as vice president. Retiring from the presidency after six years, Archie Hutchison was appointed as honorary president in recognition of his dedication and hard work over many years with Dalmellington Band. 


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Email Nigel Martin: sbbapr@gmail.com