Creetown plays at opening of newly refurbished arts centre

Monday 13 September 2021

Creetown Silver Band performed at the official opening of the Quarrymen’s Arts Centre in the town.

The centre, which has been refurbished to a high standard, is also home to the band so it was appropriate the players took centre stage at the Sunday afternoon event, giving a short concert which included music specially arranged for the occasion.

The opening was among a number of celebratory activities that had been arranged throughout the weekend. The band, conducted by Stuart McNab, was on top form and delighted the large audience with a programme of light and popular music.

This new arts venue will provide the band with up to date, comfortable rehearsal facilities as well as providing the community with a focal point for various activities. Plans are being made to host touring groups and other performers.

The hall is a Grade 2 listed building and has retractable seating for 80, providing a larger space when required.

It is hoped that the well-appointed facility will help attract new players to the band which rehearses on Thursday evenings from 7.30pm.


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