the cooperation band withdraws from the National Finals
Monday 13 September 2021Current Scottish champions, the cooperation band, have confirmed their withdrawal from this year’s National Brass Band Championships at the Royal Albert Hall due to continuing uncertainties surrounding the current Coronavirus situation.
The decision was taken following much discussion within the band’s management team and after consultation with its members.
A spokesman commented: “The band management’s first priority is the safety of our players and the current COVID situation – which is getting worse by the day in Scotland and the rest of the UK – and the risks associated with travelling and taking part in the event, as well as the financial risks, are all too great for us to expose the band and its members too.
“The cooperation band do appreciate that it would be great to get back to some normality in life and return to banding as we all have known it. But at this time we don’t think it is safe enough.
“Ideally, we would have preferred for the event to be postponed until times were safer – or even cancelled – giving all bands the chance to rebuild and regroup without any pressures but again we are not organisers of events such as this!
“We have timescales to keep to without incurring financial penalties hence the reason for having to decide at this time.”
The spokesman added: “The band look forward to returning to the Albert Hall in the future and taking part in what is a truly wonderful event.”