Looking for a music career with the Royal Marines?

Thursday 14 October 2021

If you’re a talented musician looking for a unique career and full-time pay, this may be the answer. The Royal Marines Band Service is currently seeking skilled instrumentalists who will be trained to reach its own high performance standards.

You could train at the Royal Marines School of Music, honing your skills under the guidance of world-renowned tutors. Upon completion, you’ll be ready to perform at a peak professional level every day.

Could you be the next musician joining the band? Don't miss the Royal Marines Band Service Virtual Experience on Tuesday 26 October at 6.30pm to discover if this is a role for you.

This event is being put on to promote the work of the Royal Marines Band Service and to raise awareness of what musical performance career opportunities are available within the organisation. The attached a flyer for more information and to register for a free ticket.

Book your FREE ticket now at https://bit.ly/3uTwd08



Got a story?

Email Nigel Martin: sbbapr@gmail.com